학과 세미나


2022년 4월 21일 세미나 공고문
2022년 4월 21일 세미나 공고문
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 301 등록일 2022.04.14

일시:  2022년 4월 21일 목요일 오후 4시 세미나실(자4514호)

연사:  김정규 박사님(한국천문연구원)



Simulating Feedback-Regulated Star Formation in Giant Molecular Clouds 


 Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are where most stars form in galaxies. One of the classic problems of star formation is its slowness and inefficiency, in the sense that only a small fraction of a cloud's mass is turned into stars per free-fall time and over its lifetime. While energy and momentum injected by feedback from newborn massive stars (UV radiation, winds, and supernovae) are believed to play a major role in regulating star formation in GMCs and their lifecycle, quantitative understanding of how feedback interacts with the surrounding interstellar medium is still incomplete. In this talk, I will present results from radiation MHD simulations of star-forming GMCs with stellar feedback. I will show how star formation efficiency and lifetime of GMCs depend on various integrated cloud properties such as mass, size, turbulence level, and magnetization, and discuss the relative importance of different feedback mechanisms. Our finding that star formation efficiency decreases with the virial parameter of a molecular cloud can be used to explain the observed star formation rate of the Milky Way.