학과 세미나


2022년 10월 20일 세미나 공고문
2022년 10월 20일 세미나 공고문
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 207 등록일 2022.10.14

일시:  2022년 10월 20일 목요일 오후 4시 세미나실(자4514호)

연사: 임은경 박사님(한국천문연구원)


제목: High Spatio-temporal Resolution Observations of Flux Emergence and its associated Eruptions 



Magnetic flux emergence is one of the essential drivers of vigorous solar eruptions in various scales, from small-scale Hα surges to large-scale Coronal mass ejections. Using the Goode Solar Telescope (GST), we study the flux emergence of sub-granular scale in solar active regions. The GST of the Big Bear Solar Observatory makes it possible to study photospheric signatures of flux emergence in detail with very high spatial (0”.11 at 7057 Å) and temporal (15 s) resolution. TiO observations with the pixel scale of 0”.0375 show several elongated granule-like features (GLFs) that consist of fine threads and show diverging flow along their longer axis with the speed of 4 km/s. High-resolution magnetograms reveal that GLFs are photospheric indicators of small-scale flux emergence and are causally related to the formation of moving magnetic features or sunspot penumbra. From a careful analysis of high-resolution Hα filtergrams and magnetograms, we also found that the photospheric GLFs formations are frequently related to ejections of Hα jets with brightenings and eruptions of successive flares in active regions. These observations indicate that flux emergence plays a crucial role in forming the active region's sub-structures and driving eruptions of jets and flares. 

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