학과 세미나


2024학년도 3월 20일(수요일) 학과 세미나 안내
2024학년도 3월 20일(수요일) 학과 세미나 안내
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 96 등록일 2024.03.12

일시 : 2024년 3월 20일 수요일 오후 4시 자4321호 강의실

연사 : 이진희 박사님 (한국천문연구원)

제목 : Are we alone? Endeavors to search for other worlds beyond the Solar System 

초록 : It has been approximately 30 years since the discovery of the first planet beyond the Solar System. Since then, the number of discovered planets has steeply increased, with over 5,000 confirmed to date. Researchers are not only dedicated to discovering more planets but also to examining the properties of those already discovered. In this talk, I will provide an overview of exoplanetary science. First, I will introduce the methods used to detect exoplanets. Then I will present some findings from population studies of exoplanets. Observation of exoplanetary atmospheres is one of the challenging tasks, and I will outline ongoing studies focusing on their atmospheric properties. Finally, I will introduce both ongoing and planned missions related to the exploration of  exoplanets.