학과 세미나


2019년 9월 26일 세미나 공고
2019년 9월 26일 세미나 공고
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 500 등록일 2019.09.24

일시:  2019년 9월 26일 목요일 감민호홀(기2111호)

연사:  정은정 박사님(충남대학교 자연과학연구소)


제목:  Filaments, the Universal Nursery of Stars (Interstellar matter and initial conditions of star formation)



 It is revealed that molecular clouds are filamentary and such a structure is ubiquitous over various star-forming environments, and it is clear that filaments play a crucial role in the formation of cores and stars. However, the formation process of filaments and dense cores are still unclear. To investigate this issue in detail, we have carried out TRAO FUNS (TRAO Survey of nearby Filamentary molecular clouds, the Universal Nursery of Stars) toward various star forming filamentary clouds. In this presentation, I will report the first results of TRAO FUNS, filaments and dense cores in L1478 of California molecular clouds, and introduce the FUNNER study with supplemental polarization and high resolution data to uncover the initial conditions of star formation.
