학과 세미나


2019년 11월 21일 세미나 공고
2019년 11월 21일 세미나 공고
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 869 등록일 2019.11.18

일시:  2019년 11월 21일 목요일 감민호홀(기2111호)

연사:  박경선 박사님(충북대학교)


제목: Why we carry out a global MHD simulation of the solar wind interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere?



 Global MHD simulation have been quite successful in reproducing overall
magnetospheric dynamics and ionosphereic phenomena. However, there are few
simulations with spatial resolution high enough to quantitatively study the effects
of solar wind and IMF conditions. For understanding where the magnetic
reconnection occur, how the reconnected field lines move to tail, and how much
energy transported from the solar wind, we perform a 3-D global MHD
simulation. Several of our simulation studies have been reported for event study
and steady state cases.
I will introduce the results of previous and recent research. Recently, we carried
out a 3-D MHD simulation on the responses of the Earth’s magnetosphere and
ionosphere to the impact of large magnetic flux ropes(MFR). The magnetic field
strength of MFR changes from 5 through 30 to 5 nT during 25 hours (e.g. size
~ 5644RE). We considered four types of MFR structures according to the
alignment direction of the flux rope axis in the plane perpendicular to the
Sun-Earth line. The simulation shows that the magnetic field of MFR where
IMF has a southward Bz with dawnward or duskward By component lead to
plasmoid formation in the tail. The peak values of cross-polar cap potential
ranges from 25 kV to ~70-114 kV for all types of MFR. When the magnetic
field of MFR has a southwhard Bz and duskward By (i.e. IMF angle has
between 252°and 300°) for two types, strong earthward flow appears >400 Km/s.
At the same time, total magnetic field and plasma temperature increase and also
the number density decreases. These features resemble bursty bulk flows which
are often observed in the tail region.
