학과 세미나


2021년 6월 3일 세미나 공고
2021년 6월 3일 세미나 공고
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 422 등록일 2021.05.27

일시:  2021년 6월 3일 목요일 오후 4시 (ZOOM 회의 ID:878 6419 6027)

연사:  전채우 박사님(나고야대학교)


제목: The characteristics of EMIC (ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves using ground and space observations and Introduction of ERG Science Center


Geomagnetic phenomena, such as geomagnetic storms and energetic particles transfer from the magnetotail, are the most important for understanding space weather near the Earth due to the increasing space-based technological systems. During geomagnetically disturbed periods, called storm intervals, many hot, energetic particles are injected into the inner magnetosphere and cause various instabilities, such as temperature anisotropy, that generate plasma waves. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, one of plasma waves, have been driven by temperature anisotropy of energetic ions near the magnetic equator. These waves constitute a significant loss process of energetic protons and sub-relativistic electrons through pitch-angle scattering by wave-particle interactions. Therefore, it is important to understand the characteristics of EMIC waves for improving the radiation belt’s dynamics. In this presentation, we show the statistical characteristics of EMIC waves obtained from ground observations and satellite in-situ observations. We will discuss possible free energy sources causing EMIC waves at different regions, as well as future research topics.

In addition, we introduce the ERG (Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace) Science Center, Nagoya University in Japan. The ERG project is a mission to elucidate acceleration and loss mechanisms of relativistic electrons around Earth during geospace storms. The ERG Science Center is operated by Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University as a Joint Research Center for Space Science. The science center archives data related to the ERG project releases the data to the public, develops integrated analysis tools for the data, and promotes studies related to the ERG project. In this talk, we present the development and maintenances of satellite data productions, scientific contributions to societies, and recent scientific results using the ERG satellite observations.