학과 세미나


2023년 4월 19일(수) 학과 세미나 공고
2023년 4월 19일(수) 학과 세미나 공고
작성자 천문우주과학과
조회수 224 등록일 2023.02.24

일시: 2023년 4월 19일 수요일 오후 4시 자4514호(세미나실)


연사: 김두호 박사님(충남대학교 자연과학연구소)


제목: Clustocentric locations of interacting and post-merging galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters   



  We study the fractional changes of interacting or galaxies with post-merging features in- and outside of R200 of six Abell galaxy clusters in a redshift range, 0.05≲ 0.08. We visually inspected color- composite images of the DECam mosaics in u′ g′ and r′ to identify whether galaxies are interacting or merged recently. Spectroscopic survey data are collected and used for deciding cluster and subgroup membership. The DECam mosaics cover upto 3 × R200 of the clusters and have surface brightness limits 28mag/arcsec2. We provide photometric catalogs of galaxies in seven Abell clusters A754, A2399, A2670, A3558, A3574, A3659 and A3716 in ug, and r-band. We find the lowest fraction of interacting galaxies in the middle bin 0.5 R/R200 1.0 where the highest fraction of galaxies with post-merging features were found. The interacting galaxies in the outer region would have a better chance to end up merging and fall into the cluster, while ones in the central region would move too fast to merge so eventually just fly by. 


관련 논문:

- POST-MERGER SIGNATURES OF RED-SEQUENCE GALAXIES IN RICH ABELL CLUSTERS AT z ≲ 0.1 (https://doi.org/10.1088/0067-0049/202/1/8)